Gender Wave
An Invitation to ParticipateHello to women and to organizations who have been supporters of various projects conducted by Women of Diversity Productions, Inc.
We really need and desire your help with our latest project. The project started with the Bursting Boundaries program on April 16, 2016 during which time our speakers identified topics of vital significance to improving the lives of girls and women and put forth an action strategy. Check out the Bursting Boundaries program here.
Our next event, entitled, the Gender Wave, will be held on October 22, 2016. The format of this two-hour workshop is a combination of presentations, A-V visuals, Q&A and small group discussions by women who have been active in improving the lives of girls and women in one way or another, as each struggles with the obstacles that have ignored more than 50% of the state’s population.
Brief Description of the Gender Wave Workshop
Gender Wave should be an in-depth participatory experience that focuses upon investigating information, trends and solutions regarding the inequitable status of girls and women solely because of gender. A volunteer steering committee is needed to develop the content, resources and presentations and to facilitate small group discussions. You are invited to be a member of this steering committee.
Selection of topics to be discussed, based upon the Bursting Boundaries event might be the following: agism and women in the workplace, harassment in the women’s work environment, shortage of women in management and higher paying jobs, acquiring data to show workplace discrimination, providing visibility and respect to women through books and other media, educating women to vote, women’s peace movement, absence of Equal Rights in the U.S. Constitution, obliterating violence against girls and women. We invite you to be a member of the steering committee and help develop the event and determine the important topics.
Please lend your expertise to this project.
Women of Diversity Productions, Inc.
Our mission is to give visibility to women & create a woman-appreciated future.
© 2016 Women of Diversity Productions, Inc.
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