Nevada Women's Legacy Project
General InformationJoin us in this project to collect and permanently display and store oral histories, video interviews and other ways of knowing Nevada women and their contributions to making “Nevada Proud, Nevada Battle Born”. By means of our outreach program we are developing partnerships with women in the cities, towns and rural communities in all Nevada counties. We are encouraging and facilitating a comprehensive collection of womenʼs history through voices and faces of living women.
Events will be held to introduce these women and share their stories in local communities throughout the year culminating in two October gala events in the Las Vegas Valley and the Reno/Sparks/Carson City area. Read about our first two events on this site ( NEWS BLOG section lower right) and facebook:
First Ladies First held on January 11, 2014 at Caesars Palace, Las Vegas
Women of Searchlight, Laughlin and Cal-Nev-Ari held on January 25, 2014 at the Searchlight Community Center
Archival multimedia recordings will be important products of this Nevada Women’s Legacy – 150 Years of Excellence project by providing long-lasting global visibility through the internet and a published Nevada Women’s Legacy book.
Primarily the internet site will be:
with sharing on: www. and
Contact Marlene at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or 702.655.2146 or click the contact/donate/volunteer button above
Women of Diversity Productions, Inc.
Our mission is to give visibility to women & create a woman-appreciated future.
© 2016 Women of Diversity Productions, Inc.
EIN 75-2580282