Marlene Adrian, President

Claytee White, Vice President

Cynthia Cicero, Secretary

Denise Duarte, WOD Board

Julie Davies, AAUW

Denise Gerdis

DeeDee Nave, Junior League

Mary Gafford, Mesquite Club

Sam King, League of Women Voters

Peggy McElrath

Samela Dingus

Linda Kass, Pahrump


President Marlene Adrian called meeting to order at 5:35 p.m. at UNLV, Dept of Special Collections conference room.


# 1.   Marlene gave update of 8/28 Nevada 150 Commission.  

We received approval to use their logo in our project.

Kara Kelley is new Executive Director.

Mobile museum sounds as if it had been scrapped. (Note from Marlene after meeting with Kara on 9/23. Kara wants to find money to make the mobile museum happen.)

Commission will sell medallions instead of coins.

Commission heard the presentation of Dr. Alica Barber to do interviews throughout the state with mobil units.  Marlene advised Andy Kirk after the meeting that this is exactly the type of work that our organization is doing. some sharing of information needs to be done. 


The next Commission meeting is scheduled for afternoon of September26 in the Grant Sawyer Building on Washington Ave., in the Governor’s conference room.  Marlene confirmed the time with Kara  —-  the time will be 2pm

More information is available on the website Nevada150.org.  This web site should be operable prior to Commissioner's meeting on 9/26. Our project should be on the site — if not call in!


# 2.  Committee Reports:

Media Committee: Julie Davies

The committee met with Dawn Gibbons.  Those who attended were Marlene Adrian, Barbara Lacy, Helen Mortenson, Leah Young and Julie Davies.    30 and 15 second PSAs were filmed that will go to state officials and women’s organizations statewide.  Dawn would like interesting and unusual stories about women that can be included in Channel 3’s expanded newscasts. The tag line will be “150 years of excellence.”

At that meeting a proposal was mde to create an event in November  "First Ladies First". This later was changed to January date TBD.  All five former First Ladies would be present: Dawn Gibbons Dema Guinn, Bonnie Bryan, Sandy Miller, Kathryn List. We will invite the current First Lady Kathleeen Sandoval to introduce the former First Ladies who will present " a forum, discussion of what they accomplished  and what the roles and influences they had". 

At today's meeting we discussed video taping and video streaming and the format of the event. Jan Jones is committed to providing a location at Caesar’s.  Claytee suggested PBS might be contacted for the discussion of video aspects, because they have the technical capabilities.

Denise Duarte suggested we consider creative ways of positioning women’s discussions, for example, seated around a kitchen table with audience in the round, and taping from above.  A committee was established to consider unique ways of presenting the event.  Committee consists of Denise, who will be the lead person, with Cynthia Cicero and Julie Davies.  Committee will also suggest scope, location, date.


Linda  Kass offered to include recognition of women’s legacy as part of her reception for her annual International Desert Film Festival in Pahrump on Memorial Day weekend.  If that is to occur, all taping should be completed by March 15, giving Marlene sufficient time for editing.


# 3. Researchers’ Reports:

Interview questions were not attached to minutes as planned and will be distributed with these minutes. 


Denise Gerdes interviewed women in Laughlin and prepared bios on interviewees. 

Interviewees included Verlia Doing (Searchlight); Nancy Kidwell (Cal-Nev-Ari)  

Interviews and exhibit will be shown at Laughlin library and Searchlight museum.  Also investigating Mt. Charleston, Bunkerville, and Mesquite.


Sam King advised that Mesquite LWV will be conducting a tea recognizing exceptional women and it may be a good place for us to promote the Nevada Women's Legacy project.


Claytee White – Has contacts from Ely and Fallon. Denise D. can interview women in Winnemucca.


Cynthia Cicero – Met with Anne McKee of the PEO group who was very helpful.  Cynthia will compile a list of names and Anne will make contact for us. 


Sam King – Made contact with Catherine Cortez Mastos and Kate Marshall.  She also mentioned a woman, Carmel Wood who led a remarkable life and received her high school diploma at 85.


Marlene Adrian met with Frankie Sue Del Papa  and received many contacts and recommendations for interviewing women.


General Discussion:

Potential sponsors, possibility of teleconferencing meetings to encourage participation from the north. We now have 8 solid names of women in the North who wish to join our meetings.  Marlene will work with Jan Gilbert to have a video teleconferencing meeting in October. Marlene will contact the Lt. Governor office  through Susan Moore, Senior Policy Advisor , who is at the Commissioner's meeting in Las Vegas to see if the Lt. gov. can help us find the means to do this. 


Next Meeting:  10/10/13 or 10/17/13 @6:15 p.m. Marlene will confirm date and location.

Meeting Adjourned. Approximately 8pm.
