2010 Highlights2010 Highlights
Our Centennial project of 2005: 100 YEARS OF INFLUENCE, THE ROLE OF WOMEN IN SHAPING THE FIRST HUNDRED YEARS OF LAS VEGAS continues to be recognized and requested. The WALL OF WOMEN (256 pictures and brief bios) has been shown each year since its two and a half months in 2005 at the Las Vegas Art Museum. It was displayed from March 2 until April 2 this year at the Holsum Design Center, 241 W. Charleston during the day time hours and on two First Friday evening art events. Any group requesting permission to display THE WALL OF WOMEN should e-mail their request.
Short video clips were played at the D’Arte Designs Pop-Up Gallery at Holsum Design center during the first Fridays of February (celebrating African American Women of Las Vegas) and March (celebrating art advocates and activists). Also during Women’s History month at the west Charleston Library in celebration of women of Nevada, eight video clips of political activists and eleven video clips of early shapers and ground breakers (from the centennial women) were shown as a half hour introduction to the program honoring Gene Seigerblom.