Nevada Women's Legacy Meeting Minutes

August 19, 2013



DATE:  AUGUST 19, 2013


Marlene Adrian, President

Claytee White, Vice President

Cynthia Cicero, Secretary

Denise Duarte, WOD Advisory Board

Leah Young

Julie Davies, AAUW

Denise Gerdis

Linda Miller

Helen Mortenson

Barbara Lacy, Mesquite Club

DeeDee Nave, Junior League

Mary Gafford, Mesquite Club

Sam King, League of Women Voters

President Marlene Adrian called meeting to order at 5:35 p.m. in the Reading Room at UNLV, Lied Library, Special Collections.


# 1.  Marlene gave recap of meeting of Nevada 150 Commission.


Commission’s planning is not very far along at this point.  Marlene spoke to Scott H. Casey, who is the event program coordinator, and received permission for us to use the 150 logo, but to date we have not received it.  The USPS will issue a Nevada commemorative stamp, but they decide what the stamp image will be.

Esther Carter resigned her post as executive director of

the commission and she resigned from the City of Las Vegas to accept a position in the private sector.  This may delay the process further until a replacement is named.


The next Commission meeting is scheduled for August 29, 2013 at 9:00 a.m. in the Grant Sawyer Building on Washington Ave., in the Lt. Governor’s chambers.  More information is available on the website


# 2.  Dawn Gibbons has volunteered to support our project through the News 3 resources. This means she will assist with advertising and PSAs.  Barbara Lacy, Julie Davies, Leah Young, and Helen Mortenson will accompany Marlene to a meeting with Dawn on Thursday, 8/22 at 2:30 p.m. at Channel 3.  It was also suggested to contact Bob Stoldal as well as Cox Communications.  We will not contact PBS or other media stations at this point (until after this meeting).


# 3. Researchers’ Reports:


A. Claytee White – Museums.  After receiving more specific guidance, Claytee developed an action plan to e-mail museums throughout the state to request resources related to women within the various communities, including but not limited to women-authored books, journals, letters, other written materials, artifacts, and photos to glean what is available for us to incorporate into the 150 project.


Assistance offered by group:


BeeZee Tomlison, Logandale School, has access to over 400 histories of the St. Thomas community.


DeeDee Nave will contact the PEO, a local philanthropic women’s organization for



Denise Gerdis will forward contacts in Mt. Charleston, Laughlin (Debbie Davenhauer,

Glady Laughlin), Searchlight (Verlie Doing), and Cal-Nev-Ari (Nancy Kidwell)


B. Cynthia Cicero – Nevada Cities.  Investigated city councils, boards, and organizations and located some possible candidates to interview.  Will follow up.


C. Sam King – Nevada Counties. Preliminary list includes Catherine Cortez Masto, Judge Kadish, and Barbara Buckley.  Will continue her research. It was agreed that we would recognize at least one community from each county.


D. Marlene Adrian – Soroptimist, AAUW, Jr. League, Federation of Women’s Clubs are all potential sources.


Discussion of Reports followed:


We are in the process of organizing a video shoot and gathering of women in the Laughlin community. Most likely will videotape in mid-September. We also are beginning work with the Cal-Nev-Ari, Mesquite and Pahrump communities.  The tentative initial video taping will consist of:  Laughlin community of women, Winnemucca and Humboldt county women ( Denise D.), women preserving our past and creating educational entities (Helen), women in Nevada State offices (all), and the First Ladies of Nevada – Sawyer through Gibbons. This latter is a completed video. It will be on our website and plans will be made for promoting it.


Suggested Daughters of Utah Pioneers be tapped. Julie Davies will follow up.


#4.  Presentation of proposed model for contacting communities was reviewed and approved with the addition of a statement that advises communities of our goal and purpose.  Denise Gerdis will refine and redistribute to group so that it can be used by members of our committee to contact potential women and communities to be included in our project. This was used by Denise G. for the Laughlin planning.


#5.  Oral history process:


Claytee will design interview questions

Focus will be on oral histories/video/memorabilia, and a short bio, NTE 500 words, and a photo will accompany each web posting.


Claytee reminded us to include a release agreement.


Marlene encouraged all attendees to visit to be familiar with website.


#6.  Communications Strategy – Leah Young


Leah presented strategy to use i-radio to produce a call-in broadcast to collect information on notable community women.  She will need some specific dates in order to set up the program.  A town board format is another possibility.


#7.  Referrals for interview, lists of names to Marlene by 9/6.


Congratulations to Denise Duarte on her new position with Clark County!


Meeting Adjourned.


Next Meeting site: Morelli House was suggested, with backup site at the Mesquite Club house.  Dedee Nave confirmed the use of Morelli House two days later.


Next Meeting:

9/17/13 @ 6:15 p.m. at the Morelli House which is at 861 E. Bridger Avenue at the corner of 9th Street and Bridger Avenue.


Women of Diversity Productions, Inc.

Our mission is to give visibility to women & create a woman-appreciated future.

© 2016 Women of Diversity Productions, Inc.
EIN 75-2580282