Thank you to those who submitted a nomination for the Nevada Women’s Legacy Community Quilt that was brought to you by Women of Diversity Productions, Inc.
Together we created three impressive quilts that included women from all over Nevada. The initial exhibition is on display which started on March 16 and will run through April 1, 2015 at the Nevada Legislature on the second floor of the Senate Building, in the Atrium, as part of the Nevada Women’s Legacy exhibition. We intend to offer this continuing project to other exhibition sites in the years to come.
Click here for see photos of the exhibition and images of these quilts.
If you have any questions or need additional information please contact Marlene Adrian at 702.655.2146 or email Thank you for your participation in this project.
If you would like to support this and other exciting projects that supports our mission to give visibility to women & create a woman-appreciated future, click here for a convenient way to donate.